So, I am going to try this whole blogging thing again. On the last blog, I only posted a hand-full of times. I realized that the last time I was July of 07!!! Wow!!! That was 2.5 years ago. Let's see if I can keep this one actually updated.
Starting from where I left off.......
Travis graduated from the Kansas Highway Patrol academy in November of 2007. He has been working for them ever since. He likes his job (most days) because it takes him to different places each day. He doesn't like to spend time in the office working on paperwork though (does that really surprise anyone?).
I student taught in the fall of 2007. Right before I started my semester of student teaching, I found out that I was pregnant. I completed my student teaching at Southeast of Saline. I had a great time with both the teachers I worked with!!! It was great fun! I then graduated in December of 2007. I walked across the stage in May of 2008. I had all my family there with me. I was the second of the family to graduate from college!

We are getting ready to welcome our second baby. The doctor has told us a girl, but Grandma Hoard thinks a boy..... We have a girl name picked out. It is KayLynn Grace. His mom's middle name is Kay and my mom's middle name is Lynn, so she is going to be named after her grandmas!! We have our c-section scheduled for February 8th. If she decides to come earlier, that is okay with long as she is healthy!!!
I think that pretty much brings us up to date! Hopefully I will get this thing up and running and keep it that way!
Yay for blogging again!!