Another week has come and gone! I can't believe how fast it went. Well, here it is the last day of January and KayLynn still isn't here. I think that she has decided that because we wouldn't let her come when she wanted to (back in December), she is going to stick it out for a while! She would get that stubborness from her daddy.....I would never be that stubborn!
Here is an update from the doctor's appointment on Friday. She says that I am still at a 2, but now I am 60% effaced. During lunch on Friday, the teachers were telling me that if I left everything that afternoon (the blanket and coming home outfit were on the bench in the house and the carseat wasn't in yet), the doctor would say that it was time to go in and have her. Well, I got to thinking about what they were saying and I got nervous. I had Travis put the carseat in the car and we got the outfit and blanket in the bag (which was already in the car). Needless to say, doc said we weren't ready. Oh well! I will say that now I think she will be here on Wednesday. Part of Trav's Christmas present was to get to go hunting with one of the other troopers (Wade). Wade's dad has birds that he raises and lets people hunt. Well, we thought that they were going to go up there later in February. Things have changed so they are going this week on Wednesday.
Alta is doing great! She was a little stinker today.....literally! I was taking a nap when she was taking a nap. Travis came home from work to find that she had woken up. She had also taken off her poopy diaper. The good thing was she was confined. We have her playpen up in her room and she has been wanting to take naps in it. Travis was a pun intended:P.....and got it all cleaned up and got Alta cleaned up....and let me finish my nap! What a sweetheart! We built her a mii on the wii today. She loves getting on the wii fit and playing the skiing game and the marble game.
Well, maybe in a few days we will have a post that says KayLynn is here!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
One Day Closer.....
I can't believe another week has gone by!! It seems (now) that it went by fast! We had a doctor's appointment yesterday. I am finally off my medicine. That means that she could come any day now! Even with being on the medicine this last week, I dialated to a 1+ if not a 2!! I hope that means that these contractions that I have been having are getting me closer....two and half hours last night of contractions.
I think Alta is getting ready. This morning I didn't say anything to her and she came up and gave my belly a kiss. She is a sweet big sister!! I can't wait to find out what KayLynn looks like. Is she going to look just like her sister or are they going to be opposites? I have always imagined that my kids will be ones that everyone could tell they were siblings. Kylie made the comment last night that she hoped that KayLynn looked like Travis, that way one of our children looked like him and then one looked like me. Then she decided she didn't know if that would be fair to KayLynn (haha.....I thought that was hilarous!) so she was trying to convince me that we needed to try again for a boy.....that way the girls could look like me and the boy(s) could look like him. I think she really likes being an aunt!!!
Hopefully the next post will be an announcement about KayLynn joining our family at last....if not, that is God's will......we just want her here healthy!
I think Alta is getting ready. This morning I didn't say anything to her and she came up and gave my belly a kiss. She is a sweet big sister!! I can't wait to find out what KayLynn looks like. Is she going to look just like her sister or are they going to be opposites? I have always imagined that my kids will be ones that everyone could tell they were siblings. Kylie made the comment last night that she hoped that KayLynn looked like Travis, that way one of our children looked like him and then one looked like me. Then she decided she didn't know if that would be fair to KayLynn (haha.....I thought that was hilarous!) so she was trying to convince me that we needed to try again for a boy.....that way the girls could look like me and the boy(s) could look like him. I think she really likes being an aunt!!!
Hopefully the next post will be an announcement about KayLynn joining our family at last....if not, that is God's will......we just want her here healthy!
Friday, January 15, 2010
So I am finally getting an update in here. It has been a busy week around our house!!!
Tuesday we went to Salina so Alta could get her bangs cut again. She is looking so much older!! I can't believe she isn't my little baby anymore!!! (Though she will always be my baby in my heart!) After that we went errand running.
Wednesday evening was nice. After practice, we had our friends from Concordia come down to eat supper and hang out for a while. Wade and Linsay's little boy is Lewy. He is four years old. He tried to play with Alta, but she didn't want to share her toys. The funniest thing though, was when they left she kept asking "Where's OOO-eeee? (Lewy)" We heard that for the rest of the evening while getting ready for bed. Then we heard it the next day too!
Thursday was a busy day too! We went to Salina for our doctor's appointment. She has decided that I should take my medicine for another week. If KayLynn decides to come earlier than that though, she (doc) said that she (KayLynn) won't have any premie problems. I am so excited!!! After our doctor's appointment Travis and I went shopping (Alta was at great grandma's house taking a nap) and we got some Big Girl panties for her. The only problem I ran into is the panties that have the plastic liner on it are like 3 times the size of her butt....and that was size 2T! (If anyone can find size 18 or 24 mo. panties....let me know!) This is going to be a HUGE step in our potty training process. I hope she does well with it!
That evening we went over to Mom's house for my brother's birthday supper. I can't believe he is already 18!!! It feels like it was just yesterday that I left for college and he was starting middle school! We got him this toxic candy stuff that is supposed to be really sour. It actually has a serious warning about not putting more than one in your mouth at a time because it can cause irritation! He was able to keep it in his mouth and eat it all in 1 min and 20 sec! He is crazy....I don't know where he gets it because the rest of us don't like that sour of things!
I felt like all I did today at school was go to meetings (which is what happens when you only work 1/2 days)! Today was Travis' first day back from his weekend. He is working the late night shift, so Alta and I went to wrestling. The Lions beat Ellsworth 53-0 in team points.....woohoo!!! Alta got a pompom that the cheerleaders were handing out filled with candy. Oh...she liked that! She ate all the candy. Now we are at home watching 8 below. She asked so nicely for a movie. I said which one....and she said dogs! She is just getting so big!
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day again. I don't know if I will post (I will try if I feel up to it). The jr. high basketball player have their last tourniment in Ellsworth. I will only go to one or two of the games (that is about the longest I can handle sitting on gym bleachers right now).
Tuesday we went to Salina so Alta could get her bangs cut again. She is looking so much older!! I can't believe she isn't my little baby anymore!!! (Though she will always be my baby in my heart!) After that we went errand running.
Wednesday evening was nice. After practice, we had our friends from Concordia come down to eat supper and hang out for a while. Wade and Linsay's little boy is Lewy. He is four years old. He tried to play with Alta, but she didn't want to share her toys. The funniest thing though, was when they left she kept asking "Where's OOO-eeee? (Lewy)" We heard that for the rest of the evening while getting ready for bed. Then we heard it the next day too!
Thursday was a busy day too! We went to Salina for our doctor's appointment. She has decided that I should take my medicine for another week. If KayLynn decides to come earlier than that though, she (doc) said that she (KayLynn) won't have any premie problems. I am so excited!!! After our doctor's appointment Travis and I went shopping (Alta was at great grandma's house taking a nap) and we got some Big Girl panties for her. The only problem I ran into is the panties that have the plastic liner on it are like 3 times the size of her butt....and that was size 2T! (If anyone can find size 18 or 24 mo. panties....let me know!) This is going to be a HUGE step in our potty training process. I hope she does well with it!
That evening we went over to Mom's house for my brother's birthday supper. I can't believe he is already 18!!! It feels like it was just yesterday that I left for college and he was starting middle school! We got him this toxic candy stuff that is supposed to be really sour. It actually has a serious warning about not putting more than one in your mouth at a time because it can cause irritation! He was able to keep it in his mouth and eat it all in 1 min and 20 sec! He is crazy....I don't know where he gets it because the rest of us don't like that sour of things!
I felt like all I did today at school was go to meetings (which is what happens when you only work 1/2 days)! Today was Travis' first day back from his weekend. He is working the late night shift, so Alta and I went to wrestling. The Lions beat Ellsworth 53-0 in team points.....woohoo!!! Alta got a pompom that the cheerleaders were handing out filled with candy. Oh...she liked that! She ate all the candy. Now we are at home watching 8 below. She asked so nicely for a movie. I said which one....and she said dogs! She is just getting so big!
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day again. I don't know if I will post (I will try if I feel up to it). The jr. high basketball player have their last tourniment in Ellsworth. I will only go to one or two of the games (that is about the longest I can handle sitting on gym bleachers right now).
Monday, January 11, 2010
Short Post
Well, today is going to be a short post. I am home from school for the afternoon. I am going to rest before tonight's basketball game. I think that I am definitely ready to have this little girl! I can't believe that we have only 28 days at the most! Where has the time gone?
Travis and I were just noticing last night that Alta was getting so big. She just looked more mature and older for some reason. She is just wanting to do things on her own. We are finally getting her to talk more! I am so excited about that. I was worried there for a while. She asks for help, more, and juice. She also tells us that she has to go potty (which means that she has just gone in her pants.....)!
Well, I guess that it is time for me to rest for the afternoon!
Travis and I were just noticing last night that Alta was getting so big. She just looked more mature and older for some reason. She is just wanting to do things on her own. We are finally getting her to talk more! I am so excited about that. I was worried there for a while. She asks for help, more, and juice. She also tells us that she has to go potty (which means that she has just gone in her pants.....)!
Well, I guess that it is time for me to rest for the afternoon!
Friday, January 8, 2010
So here I am again blogging!!! My husband is going to be so proud of me! The thing is, he knows how to get on here and blog just as much as I, if for some reason it isn't updated as isn't just my fault:P!
Today was not the best day. I had a meeting at school and almost passed out in the office. Thanks to caring co-workers, I was sent home for the day (instead of just the afternoon). I had a pain in my back that didn't allow me to get comfortable at all. I checked with my OB and she said that it would be alright for me to see my chiropractor. He was able to help a little bit. He told me some stretches to do to help reduce the pain and hopefully get my back in better alignment. He also said that massaging the area will help.....I told Travis that if he didn't believe it, go to the back and ask the doc!!!
Alta was so cute tonight. She was getting tired and wanted to play with my hair when sitting on my lap. The only problem was I had it in a ponytail. It didn't matter that I was playing cards, she wanted my head turned so she could run her fingers through my hair! I love it when she is cuddly!!!
Well, I am going to head off to bed to get some rest. Hopefully I will get enough to be able to get work done around the house tomorrow!!!
Today was not the best day. I had a meeting at school and almost passed out in the office. Thanks to caring co-workers, I was sent home for the day (instead of just the afternoon). I had a pain in my back that didn't allow me to get comfortable at all. I checked with my OB and she said that it would be alright for me to see my chiropractor. He was able to help a little bit. He told me some stretches to do to help reduce the pain and hopefully get my back in better alignment. He also said that massaging the area will help.....I told Travis that if he didn't believe it, go to the back and ask the doc!!!
Alta was so cute tonight. She was getting tired and wanted to play with my hair when sitting on my lap. The only problem was I had it in a ponytail. It didn't matter that I was playing cards, she wanted my head turned so she could run her fingers through my hair! I love it when she is cuddly!!!
Well, I am going to head off to bed to get some rest. Hopefully I will get enough to be able to get work done around the house tomorrow!!!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Snow Day
Today we had a snow day. It was great to spend the whole day with Alta! Travis had to work, but it sounds like nothing big happened. Alta and I slept in until 8 this morning. Then we played for a bit. Alta started acting all cuddly, so I asked her if she wanted to take a nap. She said yes. I let her nap in our bed today (that almost never happens). I thought she would sleep on Trav's side of the bed....oh I was wrong!!! She had to be on my pillow. Before she would lay down though, she kept crawling under the covers. I couldn't figure it out. I would tell her to get out and lay down. She would pop her head out of the covers and look at me funny. When I finally decided to just lay down myself, I figured it out. She was looking for my belly. She gave KayLynn a kiss and a hug, got her head out of the covers and laid down on the pillow. I thought it was ADORABLE!!! She is going to be a wonderful big sister!
Tonight we braved the cold for a few minutes and went to Sharon and Wilbur's house for supper and cards. We picked up Papa Mel on the way there. Whenever we go by Melvin's house, Alta will say Papa, then we go by the high school and she says Ball, and when we get to Sharon and Wilbur's she starts saying Papa! Tell me she isn't a smart girl!!! She knows exactly where we go and what we do there!
I have one week before my next doctor's appointment. Part of me is hoping that after that appointment, when they take me off the medicine, KayLynn is going to decide to come on her own a little bit early.
Well, I am hoping that the wind chill might be too cold and they will call of school again in the morning.....we will see!
Tonight we braved the cold for a few minutes and went to Sharon and Wilbur's house for supper and cards. We picked up Papa Mel on the way there. Whenever we go by Melvin's house, Alta will say Papa, then we go by the high school and she says Ball, and when we get to Sharon and Wilbur's she starts saying Papa! Tell me she isn't a smart girl!!! She knows exactly where we go and what we do there!
I have one week before my next doctor's appointment. Part of me is hoping that after that appointment, when they take me off the medicine, KayLynn is going to decide to come on her own a little bit early.
Well, I am hoping that the wind chill might be too cold and they will call of school again in the morning.....we will see!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Trying Again
So, I am going to try this whole blogging thing again. On the last blog, I only posted a hand-full of times. I realized that the last time I was July of 07!!! Wow!!! That was 2.5 years ago. Let's see if I can keep this one actually updated.
Starting from where I left off.......
Travis graduated from the Kansas Highway Patrol academy in November of 2007. He has been working for them ever since. He likes his job (most days) because it takes him to different places each day. He doesn't like to spend time in the office working on paperwork though (does that really surprise anyone?).
I student taught in the fall of 2007. Right before I started my semester of student teaching, I found out that I was pregnant. I completed my student teaching at Southeast of Saline. I had a great time with both the teachers I worked with!!! It was great fun! I then graduated in December of 2007. I walked across the stage in May of 2008. I had all my family there with me. I was the second of the family to graduate from college!

We are getting ready to welcome our second baby. The doctor has told us a girl, but Grandma Hoard thinks a boy..... We have a girl name picked out. It is KayLynn Grace. His mom's middle name is Kay and my mom's middle name is Lynn, so she is going to be named after her grandmas!! We have our c-section scheduled for February 8th. If she decides to come earlier, that is okay with long as she is healthy!!!
I think that pretty much brings us up to date! Hopefully I will get this thing up and running and keep it that way!
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